DWI Punishments in Missouri
First DWI Offense – Class B Misdemeanor
The penalties for a first DWI are a maximum of 6 months in jail, a 30 day suspension of your driver’s license followed by a 60 day restricted license, and up to a $1,000 fine. Further, the court may asses costly special conditions such as judicial supervision, drug testing, continuous alcohol monitoring, substance abuse traffic offender program, victim impact panel, and treatment.
Second DWI Offense Within 5 Years – Class A Misdemeanor
The penalties for your second DWI offense, if within five years of your first DWI, are: a maximum of 1 year in jail, up to a $2,000 fine, and a 1 year license revocation. This revocation may be five years if you have two excessive BAC or DWI convictions within a five year period. Further, the court may asses costly special conditions such as judicial supervision, drug testing, continuous alcohol monitoring, substance abuse traffic offender program, victim impact panel, and treatment.
Third Offense DWI - Class E Felony
The penalties if you have two prior excessive BAC or DWI findings of guilt on your record, an you are arrested for DWI, are: a maximum of 4 years in the Missouri Department of Corrections, up to a $10,000 fine, and a 1 year license revocation. This revocation may be 10 years if you have three excessive BAC or DWI convictions. Further, the court may asses costly special conditions such as five years of judicial supervision, an alternative court program, drug testing, continuous alcohol monitoring, substance abuse traffic offender program, victim impact program, and treatment.